Softimage 3d price
Softimage 3d price

softimage 3d price

It was a very intense and exciting coding experience. I supervised the project and other developers helped me designing and implementing the features ( 3D paint, color reduction, SEGA Saturn Export / Import and Viewer, raycast polygon selection, etc).

softimage 3d price

I was called to stay there for nearly 3 months in the first trip, and to frequently pay visits to Japan afterwards.

  • Fall of 1994, I went to Japan with Daniel Langlois for a 2 weeks business trip, which mutated into a large effort between Softimage and SEGA to create a first generation of 3D game authoring tools.
  • Something that keeps your mind busy when your head is inside. The project had an extra dimension of danger, since there were urban legends of actors getting mutilated by the blades attached inside the robotic heads.

    softimage 3d price

    With this pipeline it was possible to author a perfect animation sequence which could be played back identically at each shot.

    softimage 3d price


    After that, I modified the motion capture communication protocol to support motion control, and wrote a control driver to radio-broadcast the data which was previously motion captured and edited in SI3D. Now we were able to record a live facial animation using the Waldo device, then perfect it in SI3D by editing the animation curves. First, I wrote a motion capture driver for the Waldo device and a designer modeled the turtle head in SI3D and connected the Waldo inputs to its facial animation shapes. Since the facial animation had to be redone live at each shot, it was not possible to produce a constant facial animation quality.


    The actors had to wear the Turtle heads while servo-motors moved metal blades around their face to flex and animate the head latex skin as well as a radio receiver backpack which was hidden in the turtle shell.

  • then I worked on an interesting project : one of our customers was using a Waldo-like hand manipulation device to radio-control the facial expressions of the robotic heads used for the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies.

    I had a chance to meet the movie actors and Steven Spielberg made an appearance, it was a very impressive “Hollywood” type first experience for me. I implemented a fix in Montreal and I was sent to Los Angeles to configure the system. solving a data loss problem with an Ascension “Flock of Birds” motion capture system not working properly with a Onyx computer, which was being used at a Jurassic Park theme park at Unviersal Studios.April 14th 1993 – my first day at Softimage !.Tell us a bit about the highlights of your 11 year career at Softimage I also like programming personal projects, reading, cooking, nature, going out with friends, going to the gym, etc. I love music very much and I’ve been DJ’ing on and off since the age of 13, so I buy records and practice mixing. After I completed my studies I got a job interview at Softimage and was hired it was a dream come true ! I started in the modeling team, then moved on to motion capture & control, then headed the new Games team and now Special Projects Japan. There, I met Réjean Gagné, Richard Laperrière and Dominique Boisvert, who would later implement the Actor Module in SI3D, and many other friends who were, or are still working at Softimage today. The “demo scene” development communities for both C-64 and Amiga computers also brought a lot of innovation in realtime graphics synthesis.Īt University of Montreal I studied computer graphics and did a M.Sc. I got interested in computer imagery from a young age, playing with the first video game consoles and personal computers and following the evolution of CG with a deep interest. How did you get started in the cg industry?

    Softimage 3d price